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Modified Car Insurance

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Modified Car Insurance

Did you know that most insurers will not insure a motor vehicle if it has been changed in any way from the manufacturers standard specifications. It’s a really important question when applying for motor vehicle insurance. Even if the change to the vehicle was alloy wheels or a spoiler on the boot. If you failed to inform your insurers that the vehicle had been changed your insurers may refuse to deal with your accident, theft etc. If you are think of getting quotes for modified cars you need to be aware the need to tell insurers about all the changes to the vehicle.

It’s fine with us as it really doesn’t matter to us whether you changed the vehicle because you wanted it to look nice, with blacked out windows or sports seats or a change which just make the vehicle look better than what it was. Or you went with a power boost to the engine, lowed suspension or any change to the vehicle then we can help you find the right insurer for you. Most drivers love modified cars and would love to own one for themselves.

Or complete our online quote form!


Modified Car Insurance Quote

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Modified car insurance uk

No matter what the change is to your vehicle well that is fine with us, we deal with quite a few insurers who love insuring vehicle that have been modified in the UK and our sales team are very knowledgeable about modified car insurance uk we know A lot about modified cars and how to place these vehicles on cover.

Contact us today and enquire about our insurance services

Car insurance modified

So if you need car insurance modified then you need to speak to us first and let us find an insurance company who can help you with getting the widest cover possible at a premium that not going to be expensive. So if you have been looking at modified cars and you are thinking of getting one, all you have to do to find out how much we can probably save you is give us a call on 0191 5657590 or complete our online form, it doesn’t take long to find out how to get an excellent deal for your modified car insurance. There are lots of modified cars out on the market please ensure the existing owners give you all the details of what has been changed on the vehicle and get written evidence of this with bills, invoices or receipts.

We are waiting to hear from you soon and hope you will make the right decision and give us a call and let is help you getting insurance for modified cars.

Request a quote from Crosby Insurance Brokers today

Stan & Hannah Business Insurance Quote

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